Thursday 12 September 2013

WEEK TWO REFLECTION:  (9th - 13th September, 2013)
During the second week of EDET with Mrs. T. Marsh-Roberts, the topic: Learning Concepts were discussed! There are four types of Learning Concepts we dealt with: Cognitive, Behaviorism, Constructivism and Socio-emotional. After learning theses concepts, we had to create a Power Point Presentation. The definition of learning and a picture of how our classroom would look like (in the future) were two of the slides added to our presentation. This presentation also allowed us to connect the projector to our laptops and projecting our work! Base on the presentations, we were able to classify various terms into three headings! Looking forward to continue this journey with EDET and Mrs. T. Marsh Roberts!

WEEK ONE REFLECTION:  (2nd - 5th September, 2013)

During the first week of EDET with Mrs. T. Marsh-Roberts, my memory was refreshed about Information Technology in Secondary Education. Education Technology is the implementation of technology to enhance learning. Technology can be in various forms of devices such as computers, laptops, smart phone, tablets and more! Also, I learnt the various ways in which education technology can be used to improve learning within the classroom! Looking forward to continue this journey with EDET and Mrs. T. Marsh Roberts!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hey Yuh! Welcome to my BLOG!

Kevon Warner is my name,
Keen and Kiddish is my game,
King is my middle name,
Knowledge is not my shame,
Cause Kind is my future name.