Saturday 30 November 2013

WEEK SEVEN REFLECTION (14th - 18th October)

WEEK SEVEN REFLECTION (14th - 18th October)

During the seventh week of EDET, we were introduced to the ASSURE Model.
Analyze Learners
State Objectives
Select Methods, Media and Materials
Utilize Media and Materials
Require Learner Participants
Evaluate and Revise

Analyze learners. The material(s) should suite the different types of learners. Teachers should be able to select suitable strategies to meet their objectives. They can be analyzed with their characteristics such as their age, grade, ethnicity etc.

State Objectives. The next procedure apart of the ASSURE model is State the Objectives. The object should be slated as what the learner will do as the result of instructions. Objectives should always be centered around students and not teachers.

Select Methods, Media and Materials. This connects the two previous parts together. This can be done once the materials are selected, creating new materials or modified existing materials.

Utilize Media and Materials . Before the lesson, the materials should be previewed since the materials needs to be decided as to how they will be used to avoid tribulations.

Require Learner Participants. This  component allows the students to par take in the lesson.  

Evaluate and Revise. Based on the material(s), it needs to be evaluated. Such questions are asked such as Did the learners met the objective criteria?  Did the material(s) give a better understanding of the lesson? 

The class participated in an assignment, which involves creating a lesson plan in groups using the ASSURE Model. After completing the ASSURE Model, a video  was also created that corresponds to the topic using Windows Movie Maker.

My group's lesson plan was based on "Animals and their Habitat." The lesson plan was created as a group followed by a short movie which showcases twelve (12) different types of animals . Each student was then asked to do an individual lesson plan  following the same methods.




Word Processor and Spreadsheet

According to, Word Processor is a computer software that enables a user to make, format, edit, save, and retrieve documents. Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, AppleWorks, and OpenOffice are just a few examples of Word Processor software however Microsoft Word and WordPerfect are the two most popular word processor softwares. These software plays a crucial part of a teacher's life since it is use like salt to flavor a pot. Creating the class schedule, typing out exams and preparing a lesson plan are just some ways a teacher can/have use Word Processor. Students who write using word processor can easily outline then expand their ideas; request and consider grammar or spelling suggestions; revise as many times as necessary before printing; and even submit their electronic work to their teacher for edits.

Spreadsheet is a computer software which has a document that stores data in grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns. Microsoft Excel is another name given to spreadsheet. This software plays a crucial part of a teacher's life since it is use like sugar to sweeten tea/juice. Spreadsheets can also be helpful in tracking a student's progress as in terms and year progress. A teacher may use a spreadsheet to calculate the overall grade for a student's work, where several exams calculating the overall grade. This saves a lot of time that could have been used in calculations. Commonly spreadsheets are used to hold the grades from examinations in percentage form. A student can use spreadsheet the same way to keep accurate grades. Another way a teacher can use spreadsheet within the classroom is to create an attendance sheet for students within the classroom.

I then go miserably enough to the typewriter and I edit with tiny little pen scribbles until you can't read it anymore. And then, I put it into a word processor.